Disclaimer ESTA.US provides information about the Electronic System for Travel Authorization. This website is privately-owned and not affiliated with the U.S. Government.

How to Find my ESTA number?

As an individual planning to travel to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), you are likely familiar with the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA). ESTA USA is an essential online application process that allows visa-exempt travelers to seek authorization for their travel to the U.S. Before embarking on your journey, obtaining an approved ESTA is crucial, as it grants you permission to enter the U.S. for up to 90 days for business, tourism, or transit purposes.

In this Article, we will address a common question among travelers – “How to find my ESTA number?” Whether you’ve lost ESTA number or need to retrieve your previous ESTA for reference, we will guide you through the process of locating your ESTA number. Let’s explore the steps to find ESTA number and ensure a smooth travel experience.

This article will also cover multiple topics:

  • Understanding the Importance of Your ESTA Number
  • Common Reasons for Losing Your ESTA Number
  • How to Find Your ESTA Number
  • What to Do If You Can’t Find Your ESTA Number
  • Preventing Loss of Your ESTA Number in the Future

Understanding the Importance of Your ESTA Number

find esta reference numberIt is important to find my ESTA number as it is a unique identifier assigned to my approved travel authorization. It serves as a crucial reference during your travel planning and while in the U.S. Having your ESTA number readily available is essential for several reasons:

  • Travel Verification: When checking in for your flight or boarding a vessel to the U.S., you may be required to provide your ESTA number as part of the travel verification process.
  • S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Interaction: At the U.S. port of entry, CBP officers may ask for your ESTA number to confirm your travel authorization.
  • Reference for Future Trips: If you plan to visit the U.S. multiple times within the two-year validity of your ESTA, having your ESTA number at hand will be helpful for future travel.
  • ESTA Updates and Renewals: If you need to update or renew your ESTA in the future, having your previous ESTA number will streamline the process.

Every year, numerous travelers misplace or forget their ESTA numbers. The exact statistics may vary, but this issue is relatively common among visa-exempt travelers. It is essential to have a system in place to retrieve and store your ESTA number securely to avoid any inconvenience during your travel or interactions with U.S. authorities.

Common Reasons for Losing Your ESTA Number

As a visa-exempt traveler planning a trip to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP), obtaining an approved ESTA is a crucial step. Your ESTA number is a unique identifier associated with your approved travel authorization, and it plays a vital role in your travel process. However, it’s not uncommon for travelers to misplace or forget their ESTA numbers. Some common reasons for losing your ESTA number include:

  1. Disorganized Travel Planning: Amidst the excitement and preparation for your journey, important documents like your ESTA number might be overlooked or misplaced.
  2. Failing to Save the Confirmation: After receiving your ESTA approval, you might forget to save or note down your ESTA number for future reference.
  3. Traveling with Multiple Documents: Juggling between various travel documents may lead to misplacing your ESTA number.
  4. Overlooking Digital Records: If you rely on digital copies, your ESTA number could get lost among numerous files and folders.
  5. Expired ESTA: If you previously traveled under ESTA and failed to renew it before your new trip, you might be looking for an old ESTA number that’s no longer valid.

To avoid these situations, it is essential to prioritize the organization and safekeeping of your travel documents. Here are some tips to help you keep track of your ESTA number and other vital information:

  • Create a designated folder or physical file for travel documents, including your ESTA number.
  • Note down your ESTA number in a travel journal or planner.
  • Take a screenshot or print a hard copy of your ESTA approval confirmation.
  • Store digital copies of your ESTA number in a secure, easily accessible location.

How to Find Your ESTA Number

Your ESTA number is a unique identifier associated with your approved travel authorization, and it’s essential to have it readily available for various purposes during your journey. If you’ve misplaced or forgotten your ESTA number, don’t worry! There are several ways to retrieve it:

Accessing Your Email

One of the most straightforward methods to find your ESTA number is by searching your email. You must find the confirmation message you received when your ESTA application was approved. Look for the subject line containing “ESTA Application Approved” or a similar keyword, and open the email to find your unique ESTA number.

Using the ESTA Website

If you don’t have access to your confirmation email, you can still retrieve your ESTA number by visiting the Verify or Check ESTA page. On the website’s “Check ESTA Status” page, you’ll find an option to retrieve your application. Enter your personal details as required, and your ESTA number will be displayed on the screen.

Contacting Customer Support

If you encounter any issues or face difficulties in finding your ESTA number through the above methods, don’t hesitate to reach out to the ESTA customer support team. They are available to assist you and can provide the necessary guidance to retrieve your ESTA number.

What to Do If You Can’t Find Your ESTA Number

finding my esta numberLosing or misplacing important travel documents can be a stressful experience, and the same goes for your Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) number. However, there’s no need to panic if you can’t locate your ESTA number through the standard methods mentioned earlier. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Check Alternative Email Accounts: If you have multiple email accounts, it’s possible that the ESTA approval confirmation email might be in a different inbox. Make sure to search all your email accounts, including spam or junk folders, to locate the email.
  2. Verify Travel Authorization: If you still can’t find your ESTA number, visit the official ESTA website and use the “Check ESTA Status” feature. By providing your personal details, you can confirm whether your ESTA is still valid.
  3. Retrieve Your ESTA Number: If you’re unable to retrieve your ESTA number using the online methods, contact the official ESTA customer support team. They have experience in handling such situations and can assist you in retrieving your ESTA number.

Preventing Loss of Your ESTA Number in the Future

Losing your Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) number can be a frustrating experience. But taking a few precautionary measures can save you from such headaches in the future. Here are some useful tips to ensure the safekeeping of your ESTA number:

  • Digital Storage: Save a digital copy of your ESTA approval email, including the ESTA reference number. Save it in a secure folder on your computer or mobile device.
  • Physical Backup: Print a hard copy of the ESTA approval email. Then you store it with your other travel documents, such as your passport or travel itinerary.
  • Travel Organizer: Invest in a travel organizer or folder to keep all your important travel documents. It must include your ESTA number, in one place.
  • Useful Reminders: Set a calendar or phone reminder a few days before your trip to double-check and confirm your ESTA status.
  • Secure Email Account: Keep your email account secure by using a strong password and enabling two-factor authentication.
  • Screenshot the ESTA Number: Take a screenshot of your ESTA approval email and save it to a dedicated “Travel” album on your phone.
  • Backup Email Address: If possible, provide an alternate email address while applying for ESTA. This way you have an additional way to retrieve your ESTA number.

By following these simple preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of losing your ESTA number. You will ensure a hassle-free travel experience to the United States. Remember, a little preparation can go a long way in avoiding unnecessary stress during your journey.